Clube de Línguas

   O “Clube de Línguas”, pretende proporcionar aos alunos um espaço de convívio, de colaboração e de aprendizagem “plurilinguístico”. Este espaço permite desenvolver um contacto com línguas e culturas estrangeiras numa vertente lúdica e criativa, criando, assim, o gosto pelas línguas estrangeiras.

Pretende-se alargar o horizonte cultural dos alunos, valorizando não só a variedade e a diferença bem como a interacção com outras culturas e outros espaços socioculturais.

O Clube participa activamente nas actividades extracurriculares que acontecem na escola (celebração do Halloween, Natal, entre outras)  e irá realizar algumas visitas de estudo.

Se ainda não te inscreveste, ainda estás a tempo!


O “Clube de Línguas” funciona na sala 25, à 3ªfeira, das 14:15 às 16:05 e à 5ª feira, das 13:30 às 16:05, abrangendo as seguintes línguas:

Romeno; Alemão e Inglês.


As professoras coordenadoras:

Luciana Seralu (assistente Comenius),

Mabel Carrola e

Ana Isabel Santos.




Romanian Cinema

The event took place during February month as part of the Language Club activities, but having all students invited. It was thought as a relaxing activity for the students, which could give in the same time a taste of a different culture using movies. The number of students attending the event varied depending on their free time and the level of school work for the specific day and time.

The movies genre was mostly comedy with Romantic elements.

Due to the length of the movies they were divided in 2 parts and seen for the extension of a week.

The idea of an actual Cinema was induced by the popcorn shared to the student.

This activity brought the opportunity for students to practice as much as possible the comprehension of English language since the subtitle was only in English and of course to practice or maybe learn some Romanian words.   

The Cinema was organized in Camarate School as a vision of fun time spent with the students and to learn in a relaxed way, also as an alternative to spend free time productively. 

